Give a


Give a Minute
Interactive gamified campaign website that promotes donating for particular causes.
Give a Minute is a Unicef Campaign site, used in their money raising campaigns at the events. The campaigns are highly configurable based on the events, causes and other business needs.
App Challenges
The Challenge
The campaign was originally created a few years ago but isn't flexible to be modified to run different campaigns. The design and styling needed to be updated. The website was not responsive to run on mobile devices.

The Solution

We took the original concept and created a campaign website that is responsive, engaging, flexible to be used for multiple campaigns.
App Results

The Result

  • Turnaround of the platform in under a month.
  • Configurable platform to be used for different campaigns.
  • Integration of the central payment system that can be used across other organisational platforms.
Group-1153 copy
Payment Gateway

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John Doe
Give a Minute

“Lorem Ipsum Coming Soon”



Crypto Toast
An automated trading bot that lets users trade Etherum using BUSD to ensure regular positive returns.
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