

Irish Oracle
Magic 8 ball utility that allows the NFT community to claim daily tokens.
IrishOracle is a gamified community experience for a NFT community that allows members to redeem the tokens in a gamified way. This web app connects NFT scanning with NFT redeem workflow with purgatory implementation.
App Challenges
The Challenge
Keeping real time check of the NFT ownership and control over the NFT claiming process requires integration with multiple platforms, wallet and online sources. This utility controls the claiming process so making sure that it has all the necessary security mechanisms was very important.

The Solution

IrishOracle utility provides magic 8 ball style fun utility for the users. It also allows the integration of NFT verification using EtherScan and wallet integration that allows controlled issuance of the NFT tokens in a gamified way.
App Results

The Result

  • Created a magic 8 ball web utility that allows users to play fortune utility.
  • Connected etherscan to verify NFT ownership.
  • Wallet integration for NFT integration.
  • Provided controlled NFT claiming workflow.
  • Purgatory utility to gamify the NFT claiming flow.

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Crypto Toast
An automated trading bot that lets users trade Etherum using BUSD to ensure regular positive returns.
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