According to a report by Datareportal, there are over 5 billion unique mobile users in the world today. This makes the mobile device the single largest audience pool available to organizations, which is why providing your product or service through a mobile app is the best way to reach out to your target audience.
But, if you, as an organization, are aware of this fact, so are your competitors, and quite simply, every other company in the world. According to Statista, at the end of the second quarter of 2019, over 2.4 million mobile apps were available on Google Play for download. When the numbers are this staggering, how do you ensure the success of the new mobile app you are about to launch? There is an answer, and we explore it in this article. There are steps you can take to increase the success and download rate of your mobile app, while also improving the efficacy of time and money spent on developing the application. Here are the seven rules to follow to create a viral app:
A major mistake many companies make is aim to fully develop their idea into an application, and make it entirely feature-rich right from the first version.
The thought process here is that companies want their users to see the full potential of the application right from day 1. But imagine this, you hire a development team to build an application, and you want it to contain all the features of the product or service you want to provide. This will mean months of development and testing time, time for which you are paying valuable money.
After the release of the application, if it doesn’t work, or if the concept needs pivoting, or if someone beats you to market even with a lower version of your app, you are essentially throwing away all the time and money spent so far to start over.
That’s where a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) comes into the picture. An MVP is a dialled- down version of your application. For the first version, you hone in on one pain point your customers are facing, and aim to solve it through your app.
For example, if you’re developing a retail e-commerce app, it helps to roll out an alpha version with the products, add to cart and purchase option, while leaving out other options like subscribed payment, AI chatbots, suggestions through cookies, etc. for later.
This will let you get a version of the app out into the market faster, and you can begin taking user feedback right away to incorporate into subsequent versions.
Mobile users are divided by operating systems. Some prefer the iOS and some prefer Android devices. Devices that carry each OS also come in different sizes.
When developing your app, ensure that you are planning to roll it out for both Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Also, test the UI and other features across different mobile devices to ensure it is compatible with various screen sizes.
Create a customer persona when designing your app and always work toward making the app valuable to that target customer. Along with these seven key factors, make sure that you also follow the basics of UI and UX when designing and developing your app. With these checkboxes ticked, you will be rolling out an app that provides great value while being easy to use, and this is exactly what users want today.
At xenabler, we are currently helping our customers prepare for the change by enabling their solution to be available on all devices including wearable, smart home solutions and new age IoT devices. Together, we are using technology as a driving force to achieve a better, broader solution that can improve usefulness of current products tenfold.
Interested in Mobile Apps development? Contact us!